Penis enlargement (penis) of men: means, methods, methods, how to enlarge and do more

enlarged penis

The penis is the dignity of a man, which has a special meaning for a man. The penis is not just an organ, it is the pride of a man.

Ideally, everyone in their twenties and fifties wants to have the biggest phallus to please a girl, enjoy it and just be proud of their size.

And if everything is just the opposite? What to do when length and thickness are not encouraging?

Don’t panic: it will shrink even more. It is better to act, because there are a huge number of methods and ways to enlarge the penis at home and with the help of experts, using devices, creams, ointments, and even folk tips.

When to enlarge the penis: the size is normal and insufficient

a man who wants to enlarge his penis

Most men want to enlarge their penis, not knowing what size it should be in order to fully satisfy their partner. Of course, women are also different: one with a large phallus, and the other, even of modest size, the partner manages to achieve several orgasms per night.

The size of the penis is considered normal if its length during erection reaches 14-18 cm, and in diameter 3-4 cm. And if it is smaller? It doesn't matter, because everything can be fixed. 2 - 3 cm with effort will appear literally in a few days - many methods guarantee, and 5 - 6 extra centimeters will appear, but then you have to strain or go to the clinic, where I can add all 7 - 10.

For many, the small size of the penis causes psychological discomfort. It seems to man that his instrument should be bigger. Life with such thoughts is also difficult, so try to add at least 1 cm. The joy of achieving your goal is always enjoyable, so your sex life will improve. Although many guys, realizing that the growth has begun, are trying to grow more in all possible ways.

Penis enlargement methods: grandparents, folk and medical

measuring penis size and enlargement

Modern and traditional medicine offers different ways and methods of penis enlargement in young men, mature men, and even older men.

Don’t be ashamed of such thoughts, because this problem didn’t arise today. In ancient times, they were engaged not only in hunting, but also in love. At the time, there were no pills or miracle fats to enlarge the penis. My grandfather's old way of stretching his penis at home is masturbation. Studies have shown that regular procedures increase blood flow to the genitals. Massage and stretching movements are performed simultaneously. The method is reliable, but it will take a long time for the result.

There are quick ways to enlarge your penis at home. They deserve attention because the results are pleasing to men. The video will help you understand how to use individual methods for penis enlargement.

Penis enlargement devices

No matter how much the users of ointments and creams boast, progressive men often use special devices to increase the length and width of the penis and head.

penis enlargement extender

Such miraculous devices are most often purchased through online stores or sex shops. They are relatively cheap, in addition, you can use them for life, and if you want, they can be inherited.

The most ingenious were the following ingenious inventions:

  • Extender. . . The orthopedic device helps to enlarge the penis, adding up to 1. 5 cm in diameter and 3-4 cm in length during the year of use. Several types are produced: vacuum, loop, tape. The principle of operation of all is practically the same: when the penis is stretched, empty cavities filled with new cells appear. The length will not go anywhere after you cancel the use of the device.
  • Stretcher. . . It is less effective than extenders, but it can even be worn under clothes when you go for a walk or to work. The device does not rub, does not press, does not create discomfort, but gradually enlarges the penis.
  • Vacuum pumps and pumps. . . Devices are classified as medical devices. Your doctor may recommend them if you have problems with your penis. Strengthen blood flow, make the walls of capillaries and veins strong. A daily procedure is required. The course of treatment will be ideal: 2 sessions a day for 45 minutes.
  • penis enlargement ring
  • Weights. . . A device with weight that extends a short organ in length. The results are achieved, but not very comfortable to wear.
  • Homemade gadgets. . . It is difficult for masters who want to enlarge their penis to say what comes to mind. Sometimes their adaptations are worthy of respect, but often experts look at things like curiosities that can hurt the penis, disfigure it.

There are devices and toys that temporarily enlarge the penis during intimacy. This includes:

  • Erection rings;
  • penis extensions.

Medications: tablets, ointments, creams for penis growth

When you use special pills, ointments, cosmetic creams, lotions, sprays and other medications, the blood usually rushes to the phallus. A short-term increase effect is achieved, guys prefer good potency rather than desired inches. However, many manufacturers claim that there are products that can have long-term effects.

Folk ways: the best and unusual

They usually use improvised means that are at home to enlarge the penis. Because they help men, they have a right to exist, which means you can try them out:

bee sting to enlarge the penis
  • penis baths with soda;
  • rubbing the penis with aloe juice;
  • use decoction of hawthorn and ginseng;
  • preparation of medicinal preparations based on St. John's wort, blueberry, elderberry and goat route.

There are also extreme ways to enlarge the penis. You have to take smart risks, otherwise you may be left with nothing. These methods of peppercorns include:

  • use of dried worms and nettles;
  • apitherapy: bees bite and leave a sting in the organ.

Special exercises to increase the length and volume of the penis

I do not want to use chemistry and devices, it is suggested to consider completely harmless ways to enlarge the penis with the help of hands and a system of special exercises. It is better to run a course, without a break for weekends or vacations, then expectations will be justified.

Massage or self-massage of the penis. You can do it yourself or ask your partner to report to the clinic. The movements are performed with a partially erect penis by lubrication. Performing pinching, stroking, squeezing until complete erection. At the moment of climax, tighten the head and base and try to stretch the phallus as much as possible, holding it in that state for up to 10 seconds.

Jelqing. The technique came from the Arabs who tried to enlarge the penis on their own, increasing the blood flow to the organ. The penis is grasped at the bottom by the fingers that form the ring, and then the hand slides quickly to the head, pinching the organ in various places. Reviews say you have to walk away 100 times in one approach. And so every day. Men who do not break the rules feel an increase in the length of the phallus.

Surgical penis enlargement

operative penis enlargement

Penis enlargement surgery is rare, but it exists. Such radical methods are occasionally used by those who have a very small sexual organ. If you have the desire and the money, it will not be difficult to achieve the desired results.

Plastic surgeons perform operations only in a health institution. Penis plastic surgery is most often offered by private clinics. They perform several types of surgical interventions to remove congenital anomalies, enlarge the organ if a man has micropenis syndrome, to get rid of age-related tissue degeneration. And if everything is really bad, then phalloprosthetics are offered. The new organs, increased in size, will be capable, beautiful and of decent appearance. It is unlikely that the young lady will guess what difficulties her superman had to go through in order to have such dignity in his underpants. Surgical interventions are rarely performed: either because of the high degree of risk, or because of the cost of pleasure.

When they plan to enlarge their penis at home, men want their dignity to grow by leaps and bounds. Do not flatter yourself, you must show perseverance, patience and diligence. And only then will your "friend" listen to your wishes: your sex life will improve, and dissatisfaction will disappear. That means decent size!